A review of the Winchester Sewage Treatment System (STS) suggests that there are operational constraints limiting the capacity of the lagoon as demonstrated by recent challenges in achieving effluent quality requirements, as well as discharging effluent within the allotted discharge windows.
As a result, the Township of North Dundas is undertaking a Class Environmental Assessment (Class EA) to evaluate options to upgrade the Winchester STS that consider current and future loadings to the lagoon, address operational issues related to achieving effluent quality, and ensure that the 20-year community growth is adequately planned for and accommodated.
The Class EA will consider the level of adequacy of wastewater treatment at the lagoon and will recommend a solution to address the findings in accordance with the Municipal Class EA, 2015 process.
The EA has identified a SAGR system to be the preferred option for meeting compliance parameters during cold weather periods, as well as assisting with potential short term storage requirements. A SAGR system is a Submerged Attached Growth Reactor, which is simply an aerated coarse gravel bed. The gravel provides bacteria a foothold to stay resident in the bed and not wash away in the effluent discharge. The gravel beds are also covered with woodchips, which function to insulate the bacteria to ensure continued treatment and nitrification throughout cold periods.

Can you please provide the milestone target dates for this project?
Thank you.
Thank you for your comment. We have added the project timeline document under the Documents Tab for this project for your review. Note that the project schedule is subject to change. If you would like to have a more detailed discussion, we encourage you to reach out to the Township contact for this project.
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