October 24th, 2024 Update - Boyne Road Landfill Environmental Compliance Approval Application (ECA)
October 17th, 2024 Update - The EA has been approved, the Township is currently in the process of completing our ECA, meaning we have gained approval from the province in theory to expand the landfill and now are working out the details on how it is being operated (such as equipment need, construction related items, operating hours), all of these items need to be approved by the province prior to the Township actually beginning construction, which is believed to be at some point in 2025. The ECA has been submitted to the province, and notice of its submission and details have been sent to the surrounding property owners.
November 21st, 2023 Update - The EA notice of completion is currently posted by the Ministry of the Environment until November 24th and once that notice period is completed, if no further comments are receive, then the Minister will make a decision. Once the decision is received if it is an approval, we will begin the design and engineering stage, which we will then use to update our existing Environmental Compliance Approval. We need an approved Environmental Assessment to then revise our existing Environmental Compliance Approval to expand. We will submit our revised Environmental Compliance Approval at the end of November 2023 or beginning of December 2023. We are hoping for final approval on all items and for construction to begin in Summer 2024.
The Township of North Dundas has initiated a study under the Environmental Assessment (EA) Act on the Township’s waste management plan for disposal of waste for a 25-year planning period. The Township is seeking to accommodate management of waste corresponding to the consumption of approximately 400,000m3 of waste landfill disposal (amount to be confirmed during the EA Study) from 2022 to 2047, as the existing Boyne Road Landfill is currently at capacity.
The EA Study will evaluate long-term solid waste management options to achieve this objective. Waste diversion can influence the amount of waste requiring disposal over the planning period; waste diversion is proposed as an alternative to be considered, including completion of a diversion study concurrently with the EA.
November 2023 Update: We have added the EA notice of completion document under the Documents Tab for this project. This notice is currently posted by the Ministry of the Environment until November 24th and once that notice period is completed, if no further comments are receive, then the Minister will make a decision. Once the decision is received if it is an approval, we will begin the design and engineering stage, which we will then use to update our existing Environmental Compliance Approval. We need an approved Environmental Assessment to then revise our existing Environmental Compliance Approval to expand. We will submit our revised Environmental Compliance Approval at the end of November 2023 or beginning of December 2023. We are hoping for final approval on all items and for construction to begin in Summer 2024.
What is the current status of the EA? I believe it's been more than 1 year since it was sent to the provincial authorities? Is there any news on this EA?
Thank you.
Thank you for your comment. We have added the EA notice of completion document under the Documents Tab for this project. This notice is currently posted by the Ministry of the Environment until November 24th and once that notice period is completed, if no further comments are receive, then the Minister will make a decision.
Once the decision is received if it is an approval, we will begin the design and engineering stage, which we will then use to update our existing Environmental Compliance Approval. We need an approved Environmental Assessment to then revise our existing Environmental Compliance Approval to expand. We will submit our revised Environmental Compliance Approval at the end of November 2023 or beginning of December 2023. We are hoping for final approval on all items and for construction to begin in Summer 2024.
Date: 2024-07-17
What is the current status of the EA? Have there been any updates since November 2023?
Thank you.
Thank you for your question, Elaine the EA was approved in February 2024 and we are currently in the process of updating the ECA (Environmental Compliance Approval). The expansion has been approved and tree clearing will begin in late Fall 2024.
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