The Township of North Dundas is developing a Recreation & Culture Strategic Plan to guide future directions in planning recreational facilities and services. The Strategic Plan will assist the Township in guiding and managing the direction of parks, open spaces, programs, events, facilities, and amenities in a cost effective and sustainable manner.
Proposed Project Timeline

Get Involved!
The Recreation & Culture Strategic Plan will be developed through a variety of community engagement activities. Over the course of the project the consulting team will engage a range of stakeholders such as community groups, sport organizations, community recreation committees, public, private and not-for-profit agencies, as well as the public in identifying current needs, issues, and priorities as it relates to developing recreation in the Township.
The project will employ a range of means to gather public input including a series of public consultation sessions. Keep checking this webpage to follow the progress of the project and see how you can provide your input on the Strategic Plan.
Township of North Dundas Recreation and Culture Strategic Plan: Public Survey
Your input is important to ensure the Recreation Strategic Plan reflects the needs of residents. What do you think are the current and future priorities for recreation in the Township?
Your responses are considered CONFIDENTIAL - no individual respondents will be identified publicly through the results. This survey should take about 5-10 minutes of your time.
Online Survey for Residents - Launched September 11th, 2024 - Closes October 13th, 2024
Upcoming Community Engagement Includes:
In-Person Meetings for User Groups (by invitation): October 8, 2024 (6:30pm to 8:30pm)

A healthy community supports healthy lifestyles through walking, biking, and hiking through green spaces, possibly with healthy foods and water along the way.
A indoor pool in the Weinchester area would be fantastic as offer swimming ledsons
Many people are walking for fitness these days. There are not many safe places to walk and the sidewalk system isn't everywhere to allow safe fitness walking. There are a few access paths around the 100 Club park but nowhere else. There is a walking group at the Nor-Dun Community Support Centre plus we see quite a few people from Wellings out walking but more should be done. A relative low cost investment especially if you are hoping to keep people, especially seniors, moving. I have seen other communities get ParticipAction style grants for walking / biking trails. Why not us?
Hoping to be invited to participate in the proposed In-Person Meetings for User Groups (by invitation) that are expected to take place in late September 2024! The North Dundas Arts Council and Winchester Open Mic Cafe have been active and contributing to ND recreation and culture, and the community, since 2012 in a number of ways, and plan to do so for as long as we are able. Thanks for reading this.
This new plan will be the perfect opportunity to submit a proposal to build an indoor swimming pool in the Winchester area.
I strongly believe that a year round access to a swimming pool in our community would benefit all age groups and serve multiple causes:
- safety with year round swimming lessons including mandatory swimming lessons within school curriculum
- health with aquaphysio and aquagym
- recreational
- …
It would be great to have more youth programs. Some where for after school and weekend drop ins especially during fall, winter.
Basket ball, scoccer, computer and board games, movies, art, gym.
A recreation centre would cost money I know, but besides the parks and paid sports there is no local drop in centres that I know of that provide free entertainment for our youth.
I would also vote for an indoor pool. With the aging demographic it's a good way to keep seniors fit, as well as all age groups. Also, knowing how to swim is a safety factor.
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