The Chesterville Drinking Water System is being upgraded to include a new water storage reservoir, a new filtration system and a new filter building. These upgrades are all being constructed in order to address ongoing concerns related to the drinking water exceeding the aesthetic objective for manganese.
Currently when water is pumped out of Well 5 and 6 in Chesterville it is treated immediately with Chlorine - which oxidizes the manganese and iron in the water, turning it brown. With the upgrades at the reservoir, instead of the water being treated immediately with chlorine, the pumped water will travel to the reservoir where it will go through the filtration system removing the manganese and iron and treating the water with chlorine. The above ground storage tank will ensure appropriate contact time for proper treatment prior to distribution to the Village of Chesterville.
The upgrades will both address the manganese and iron issues within the water, while also providing additional drinking water storage capacity for future growth in Chesterville.
Can you please provide the milestone dates for this project.
Thank you.
Thank you for your comment. We have added the project timeline document under the Documents Tab for this project for your review. Note that the project schedule is subject to change. If you would like to have a more detailed discussion, we encourage you to reach out to the Township contact for this project.
Hi, thank you for providing the timeline file. It shows the project completing on March 6, 2024. Is that date still correct?
Thank you.
Thank you for the comment. The project is scheduled to be completed in early summer 2024, the delay is due to the extended timelines of acquiring materials for the project.
Hi, thank you for the update to the completion date.
Can you please publish the revised timeline document that reflects the new target completion date of early summer 2024.
Will this revised date increase the cost of the project? If yes, by how much?
Thank you.
Thanks for the comments. We'll be updating the Project Documents section shortly with more details.
Thank you.
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